By marriedtoacunt - 19/10/2012 18:27 - United Kingdom - London

Today, our kids left for the weekend so that my wife and I could have some much-needed alone time. We've been fighting a lot recently and really need some time to have fun together. Now it turns out that she doesn't want to be around me because of the fighting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 086
You deserved it 5 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alliewillie 22

I could see how if they've been at each other's throats, she might want some time away from him. It never says she wanted/asked kids to leave, so she might not be passive-aggressive. But you know, I was going to click FYL until I saw your name. And if you're willing to call your wife a "****" to tens or hundreds of thousands of people online, you sound like an asshole and maybe she's justified in not wanting to be around you.

amandajlucas2015 2

I thought it was quite rude for OP to call his wife a ****.. Even tho they are fighting he should still have more respect for her than to go call her that nasty name on the Internet for strangers to see


you_failed 15

At least you're trying! Try to come home early from work or take a day off to surprise her with a home cooked meal! Maybe she would see you're trying to stop the arguments and commited to having a good time :)

Noxialis 10

I'm sorry, "tell her how much you mean to her"? Yeah, I can't see that going well, it's ever so slightly self-centered.

Sometimes, the things we say or do when we're angry, can't be undone. I definitely see her side! It's hard to just forget all the arguing just because the kids are gone. If you wanna stay married, get marriage counseling! BTW, your user name says a lot about how you feel about your wife! Real nice thing to say about her!!

Whatever you've been fighting about, she HAS to put it aside. That whole "silent treatment" thing should be left behind in middle school. If she isn't mature enough to talk to you like an adult, then you have some serious thinking to do. A marriage without communication is not a marriage. At that point you become nothing more than roommates.

Doc got thumbed down?? Hell has frozen over.

unknown_user5566 26

Agreed, Doc. Sometimes my husband starts to ignore me in the middle of a fight, and refuses to acknowledge me. I give him some time to cool off when this happens, but we ALWAYS resolve it before we go to bed. Even when we were dating, I refused to go to bed angry or in the midst of a silent treatment.

I think this may be the first time I've seen Doc make a comment completely devoid of humor. Not that it was a bad comment. It was actually very insightful. Although, I'm not sure OP's wife has a monopoly on immaturity in the marriage. Check the username. It says a lot about OP's attitude toward his wife and the level of respect (or lack thereof!) he has for her. Seems to me like they BOTH have some growing up to do.

Please ignore comment #50. It was a reply to a comment that's been deleted and has somehow ended up in this thread.

Omg! When i read this story I was like "oh no!!" Then I was like "whoa!" And then I was like "No way!" An then my heart skipped a beat, then I was like "oh shit!" And then (people won't belive me on this one) I was like "Aaaaaggghh thats crazy!" And then I was like "Grrr.." And then I was like "Well, thats cool." And then moments later I relized "Wait! No its not!" And then I was like "Nooooooooo!!" And then I was like "Oh dear lord.." And then- And so forth.

unknown_user5566 26

After reading your bio and this comment, I can't decide if you're a troll, or just a complete ******* idiot.

I think it's both, kleekay. The **** did I just read?

a_lenzmeier 11

****? Really? That's the one word my husband cannot use( I can't call him an asshole) . Ydi if that's what you really think. On the other hand, if you really do care, surprise her with a candlelit dinner. Maybe you should, you know, try romance?

unknown_user5566 26

Wait, what? You get to call him an asshole, but he "isn't allowed" to call you a ****? That's ridiculous. First of all, name calling shouldn't be part of the marriage, especially during arguments. Second of all, if you get to call him an asshole, then IMO he can call you whatever he damn well pleases.

unknown_user5566 26

NEVERMIND. I apologize. I thought you said you CAN call him an asshole. Again, sorry. Ignore my comment. :)

Address the stuff that you have been fighting about. Two bitter people alone for the weekend is no better than two bitter people with kids unless you address the issues.