By Postdotfuzz - 08/12/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, our midterm exams were returned in my urban politics class. I had studied hard and scored 86%. The blonde girl next to me got a 92. Earlier in the semester she had asked me what state Detroit was in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 597
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know either.. =/ But I'm Australian, so that's kind of excusable? D:


LOL @ #153. Inventing cancer XD you probably meant inventing time travel and curing cancer. But that was still cute and funny when I first read it, sorry XDDDD

Thunderbender 2

I can almost guarantee you that was on purpose :P

for all you nice commenters who apparently have no blond friends or are not exposed to any jokes whatsoever, there are a series of jokes called blond jokes. they are actually quite funny. and also, all these blonds are commenting with stuff like "I'm so ******* smart I never study and like I'm awesome and like so are all my fellow blonds!" get a grip. there are reasons there are blond jokes. down the line, there had to be a dumb as **** blond somewhere, so don't be so defensive.

habesjn 0

the fact that this FML got more FYL than YDIs is insulting. This OP is so high and mighty and is a complete bitch. "I can't believe that retard blond did better than me. Cuz she's blond she's obviously retarded" How do you FYL that?

lilpanda 0

I have a question. I relise that the girl in this FML is a moron, but it seems to me that a majority of people on this site truly believe that all blondes are dumb. Why is that? How does one's hair color determine their worth as a human being?

Zyzzva 0

this is why they're called "blonde moments"

Finnish 0

I lived in America for 7 years and I can't name all the states. maybe like 10 or less but then again I'm pretty bad a geography. math and physics are more my thing.

wow even i know that its in michigan and im ******* canadian xD dude YDI for being dumber than that stupid chick.

wow even i know that its in michigan and im ******* canadian xD dude YDI for being dumber than that stupid chick.

I thought Detroit was a state? haha. don't ask my hair is hot pink. lol. ®

who gives a ****??? u still got a good mark so quit ur whining and suck it up princess