By Postdotfuzz - 08/12/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, our midterm exams were returned in my urban politics class. I had studied hard and scored 86%. The blonde girl next to me got a 92. Earlier in the semester she had asked me what state Detroit was in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 597
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know either.. =/ But I'm Australian, so that's kind of excusable? D:


bitch I'm blonde and I'm the top in all my classes so shut up sometimes ppl ask stupid questions u probably have too and maybe she is just smarter than u

OohAah01 0

So the test taught you a more important (and life-long) lesson.

babylon_pride 0

Everyone has a stupid moment from time to time. I have an A in my Calc 2 class and had to check with my mother today about how many ounces are in a gallon as I forgot. Plus, hair color is nothing. You should've studied harder. Don't blame someone else because you hate what YOU did.

stop judging people based on their looks or on stereotypes. as one of the commenters above said, "So the test taught you a more important (and life-long) lesson."

Thunderbender 2

Wtf does knowing what state Detroit is in have to do with politics? Do ya mind stringing together that train of thought so that it makes sense? And just because she didnt know that it was in Michigan doesnt make her stupid, it just means she was never taught where Detroit was, big deal. EVERYONE as something that most people know that they dont, even the smartest people. This was just her thing And I like how you mentioned that she was blonde as if that has anything to do with the story?

FruitSalad4225 0

YDI for referring to her as "blonde girl."

steriotypical **** being blonde has nothing to do with it!!You are just aa dumb ass.

#96, the dumb blonde **** obviously thinks that a 9 & 2 is a higher score than a 1 & two zeros. This is why women shouldnt be allowed in school. All they need to do is suck some ****, & they get all A's.

urban politics is a bullshit class anyways

payton9696 0

Dude, your acting like she lives in Michigan. I live in michigan and detroit is a poor city going trough alot of problems. Its not common sense to know things like that.