By Postdotfuzz - 08/12/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, our midterm exams were returned in my urban politics class. I had studied hard and scored 86%. The blonde girl next to me got a 92. Earlier in the semester she had asked me what state Detroit was in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 597
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know either.. =/ But I'm Australian, so that's kind of excusable? D:


npk88 0

If she had asked you what state Oklahoma City is in...or even worse (and someone has asked me this before) what state New York City is in...that would be a little more hilarious

I got an A* in my RE exam i did last week. I'm blonde. I don't take RE. YDI for assuming she can't possibly be intelligent if she is blonde. YDI also for being jealous. My friends all laughed about my exam score in RE and they DO take the course. Get over it.

i'll get this one... um, why would you take a test for a subject you don't do? and RE? come on. not exactly brain surgery.

RE is a compulsory subject for our school unless you take double languages which i do. German and French. I had a seat number in the exam and so therefore had to turn up.

Mmm'kay... and that's supposed to mean what, by chance? Thanks for the non sequitur, OP. Stop being a dumbass.

theteal 0

Took the words right out of my mouth! OP YDI

61 are you serious dude ? detroit is michigan bro . but you were being sarcastic

smartieee 0

YDI for mentioning the fact she was blonde.

So....because she doesn't know where 1 city out of several million is, she's too stupid to do better than you? I must have missed the memo stating that you're an idiot for not knowing one tiny little fact (just because it's an obvious fact to you does not mean it is to the rest of the world).

Really not that bad, my sis once asked me if Mexico was in Europe....

Cleary she's just better than you. Stop being so jealous, if you have to be better than the blonde girl study harder instead of insulting her over the internet. YDI

Sounds like someone did a little more extra credit than you did ;-)