By Eisenhorn - 10/06/2015 17:55 - United States

Today, our mouse problem finally started to go away. Now we have a snake problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 629
You deserved it 2 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't take care of that problem it'll just come back to bite you in the end

Sounds to me a little like how The old lady who swallowed a fly story goes. Who knows what's coming in next.


Oh my goodness I have the biggest snake phobia and just threw 3 bowls filled with dog food all over the place the other day because a snake I thought was dead started slithering away super fast. I was still screaming after I realized the "snake" had legs. I'd never be able to sleep in that place again.

Um, what was it, if it wasn't a snake but moved really fast? Hopefully not something that likes to eat dog food... OR DOGS!

I'd guess either a lizard or a centipede.

It was a big lizard that's tail was missing. Guess I should've clarified that a bit more. In my defense it did really look like a snake at first.

*Venomous. Plants and amphibians are 'poisonous'....

What made you think that getting a snake to combat the mouse was a good idea *shakes head*

I highly doubt that was their go-to plan. I think the snake problem simply came about because of the mice...

CharlesEmersonW 31

Do you have animal control service ? If so, call them and get their help, especially if you can't identify the snake, may be dangerous.

this somehow reminds me of the Simpsons....

Install Barry White into the house, wait, that will bring more snakes.