By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 15:49 - United States

Today, realizing how poor I am, I decided to steal gas. The only place I was brave enough to steal from was my parents' lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 019
You deserved it 38 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

instead of stealing their gas, why don't you mow their lawn for some cash?


At least you stole the gas from a lawn mower instead of a gas station. Theft raises prices, which just screws everybody over. Not to mention, I think your grass being a few inches too tall is better than the possibility of getting arrested.

Sell your car for gas money. Simple enough for a simpleton such as yourself.

Well that's retarded. If you sell ur car for gas money. Then you get some but what are you going to do with gas and no car?

bubo_fml 10

What kinda gas does your car use? Gangsta-line!

sleepRX 16

I'd hardly call it, "bravery"; I'd call it, "cowardly". A braver act would be to humble yourself and ask for a loan from your parents, instead of doing them an injustice by stealing from them.

hateevryone 14

Wow. You're that THAT much of an ass? I think a lot of people have stood in front of the gas pump and debated on getting a full tank so that they could afford food for the week at one point in their lives.. its called college..

What a dumbass.. that THAT? Really? *thumbs comment down* ..wait

actually not just college. LIFE in many situations. unfortunately sometimes you actually have to stand in front of the gas tank thinking. OK i can put this much in, still pay my insurance, but in order to buy food for the week for my family i will have to call into work and use a couple of sick days cause it will not be enough gas for the week. dang i wish there were buses in my area or it was possible to walk to work. Its just a shame ops parents would not evidently give him some money or have him do some chores for gas

thats very true. sometimes fml just do not have enough info. at any rate he should not have been stealing. many a time i have just sat my butt at home because there was no gas. i just wonder where he needed to go so badly he was willing to steal.

Not quite true # 18, time for a small engine lesson, there are two types of small engines used in push mowers 2 strokes and 4 strokes, 2 strokes usually require a 1/3 oil mix with the gasoline, while 4 strokes operate like a car engine, using a oil reservoir and fuel injection, if he put the 1/3 oil mixture in his engine it's going to smoke and could in all likely hood seize the motor depending on the car make....either way Op is an idiot

Walk or take the bus, stealing will just get you in trouble.

Lawn mowers use straight gas or diesel (if you gotta big lawn mower) . Most lawn mowers hold up to 5 maybe 6 gallons, if its full so he wouldn't get much... but staeling it from your parents, that dude needs to get a job

Capt_Oblivious 10

That's how it starts, with the recreational crimes.