By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 15:49 - United States

Today, realizing how poor I am, I decided to steal gas. The only place I was brave enough to steal from was my parents' lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 019
You deserved it 38 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

instead of stealing their gas, why don't you mow their lawn for some cash?


ummm if the mower was a two stroke dont plan on running that fule through your car...

So if you can't even afford gas then cancel your Internet. And if you won't do that then you don't deserve gas.

blinkingstarlet 15

Actually, most Internet providers charge an astronomical cancellation fee. He might just be going through a rough month. you wouldn't cancel your Internet if you knew next month it would be better... Plus how do you know he's not posting from free wifi or from a friends house.

Hahaha. How is your car running on gas from a two-stroke?

Great idea OP, cuz whenever i run outta gas in wyoming i always look around searching for lawn mowers

Wouldn't it just easier to ask mom for 3 dollars rather than steal 3 dollars in gas?

You know lawn motors usually take diesel gas not regular for a car. Hope you knew that