By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 15:49 - United States

Today, realizing how poor I am, I decided to steal gas. The only place I was brave enough to steal from was my parents' lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 019
You deserved it 38 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

instead of stealing their gas, why don't you mow their lawn for some cash?


Most lawn mowers don't use pre-mixed gas/oil. Even if you put in a small jug it wouldn't damage your engine, it'd just burn dirty.

Jason199615 0

That sucks OP been there done that.. things get better though

flockz 19

instead of stealing their gas, why don't you mow their lawn for some cash?

Agreed, plus he might get lucky and get a free cup of nice refreshing lemonade.

tsim_fml 0
ninjuh_wingman 29

Im not sure whether i should pity you or say you're a dick for stealing gas.

tylersign 11

Car-ma is a bitch. Oh, sorry, I'm just anticipating your future FML that reads: "Today, my car stopped working because I used lawn mower gas in it, which I stole from my parents."

perdix 29

I don't know which is sadder: the fact that your parents won't give you a little gas, or that you think to steal it by the quart. This would be a good place for the voting buttons I proposed a few days ago.

If you've decided to steal, isn't it easier to steal money and then BUY gas? I do not condone theft. I do, however, condone not being an idiot.

tylersign 11

Not really, though. 1- OP doesn't have gas to drive to the gas station with. 2- OP is lazy. Why would they want to do extra work?

If you can't afford gas, you shouldn't have a car. But that's just my humble opinion.

DjeePee.. while I normally agree with you I politely disagree with the logic here. There are many unpredictable events that can easily change someone's finacial situation. For instance: losing one's job, unplanned pregnancy, medical bills due to an injury.. just to name a few.

What do you do if you have a car but then find yourself in a situation where you now can no longer afford gas? Since situations like that are always permanent, right? Right now, I can't afford gas. I can get gas in the near future though. Sell my car anyway, with no gas in it? Who wants to buy a Beetle? It's old with high mileage.

Hmm, you're right, but my point was that if you can't afford gas, you shouldn't be stealing it, just so you can drive your car. Just go with your bike or on foot.