By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 15:49 - United States

Today, realizing how poor I am, I decided to steal gas. The only place I was brave enough to steal from was my parents' lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 019
You deserved it 38 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

instead of stealing their gas, why don't you mow their lawn for some cash?


eyeIoveyou 4

i'm surprised that out of everyone you know, the only people you have the courage to steal from are your parents. the people who brought you into this world and have no problem taking you out!

i see a very short, unsuccessful criminal career in your future.

Lawn mower fuel is not exactly the same so be careful how much you use

blacksswan 10

Meh' I suppose When things get tough you gotta do what you gotta do. Your good days will come. Keep your chin up.

To the people saying 'get a how's how do you know he doesn't already have one? You can have a job and still be poor, rent isn't cheap, plus utilities & food & insurance possibly christmas presents, pets maybe even a kid... Life can be expensive, shouldn't assume he has no job.

Why dont you ride a bike instead and liggt candles and stuff that is the way to save money!

Y'all are being wayyy to friggin serious o_O You make it seem like he kidnapped a 2yr & ran over a kitten in the process. Yea stealing sucks, what the **** ever. I think the real problem is the fact he even had to resort to that.

At least with the op's parents, he knows their financial situation. I would hope they're doing okay. Stealing from anyone else is just a douchebag move. They could be just as broke and needing the gas even more to get to the job they work at to EARN their gas money. (stealing from anyone is a dick move...but I'm giving the op the benefit ofthe doubt here.)