By ashleigh_anarchy - 21/02/2012 01:05 - Australia

Today, someone actually thought it was appropriate to compare my mother's death to the death of their cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 304
You deserved it 3 365

ashleigh_anarchy tells us more.

ashleigh_anarchy 7

Just to follow things up. It has only been a month since she passed away. She was pretty much my best friend. She had been sick for all of my life and I looked after her for as long as I remember. In the last three months she was completely bedridden. She was a very strong woman and was expected to live 20 years less than she did, but I absolutely couldn't believe it when she died because of how much she carried on and of course I cared about it more than anything. It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced, and am still experiencing. The cat in question was a stray cat, and I posted this because why the **** would I post an FML on the day she died? I can tell you now I was doing a lot more important things. This is my reaction to an idiot one month later, who said 'Sorry about your mum. I know how you feel, my cat died'. Nothing should be more important than the relationship with your mother. If you never got to have a good relationship with yours, I'm very sorry. But yeah, I have lost pets and I was distraught but NOTHING can compare. If you haven't lost a close parent, you can't imagine.

Top comments

that's terrible. i'm sorry OP. some people don't put things into perspective


chi99y 0

I thought it was funny, obviously op isn't too concerned about this event, because if they were I'm sure they wouldn't have turned to FML for the therapy session. So, that means its open for all the jokes and mockery you can come up with ::))))

JurassicHole 5

No, 58, that doesn't mean it's open for all mockery. You're mocking a mother's death, real mature.

chi99y 0

the FML website had no place for maturity, if you want to prove your maturity, YOUR ON THE WRONG WEBSITE. :)))) HOORAY FOR BOOBIES!!!!!

StromyG2 10

#119 It's you're, not your. Carry on

That's like comparing a Lego set breaking to 9/11..

Not quite the same scale, as losing beloved house pets is still a hard thing to go through

When my Lego Star Wars millennium falcon broke a piece of me died that still to this day has never came back.

41. I'm there for you man. Lego is boss

may your Millennium Falcom rest in peace *moment of silence*

jaredofmo 22

When 9/11 happened, a friend of my family considered the death of her cat more important. (To which we thought, "Come on, you have over 20 more of them...")

MsMeiriona 2

Well, if you had never been close to your mother or this cat was the sole positive thing in the persons life, it might make some sense.

Precisely; I was going to comment that I haven't lost any human family members in my life yet; but I lost my cat recently, who I've had since I was a kid. The only PERSONAL grief I've experienced was that, and so that's the closest I can directly relate to losing a loved one. Of course, losing my mom would be far worse and sadder, but that's something I can only imagine, and not directly relate to.

cooLING 0

Then don't say anything. Simple as that.

dabomb1463 0

Smack that person upside the head they should be more sympathetic. Sorry for your loss

Wow. The death of a cat does not compare to the death of the woman who raised you for 18 years. Some people. Sorry for your loss, (some) mothers are good people and deserve our love and respect.

cooLING 0

I agree. I'm having trouble understanding why anyone'd thumb you down. From all of these posts, it's clear that some people don't give a shit about human death or are completely missing the point.

AngryBeaver32 8

People can say the worst things even though they may have good intentions. After my third miscarriage someone told me that they understood my pain because they had to put their dog down the week before. Some people can be hurtful even without meaning to be. Sorry for your loss, OP.

mom2pen 4
Michael_92 20

Oh my gosh! I am very sorry to hear that. I couldn't imagine that. I hear though that the next time your going to bring in the most perfect baby ever :). Just keep your head held up high even know it's hard sometimes.

CursedSilent 1

Oye, I am sorry for your losses. I too had three miscarriages and I can honestly say the worse comments were, it's okay, it's all part of God's plan or at least you weren't very far along. Sucks and my heart goed out to you, may you not suffer that pain again.

#19-- How is having to put down a dog not as bad as a miscarriage...? A dog is like a family member to some people...

AngryBeaver32 8

I wasn't saying that people who grieve their beloved pets are wrong. I understand that completely. But to say that it's the same thing to a grieving mother can result in a very pissed off woman.

#155-- I've never met a pet owner who would be upset if a woman compared her miscarriage to the death of a close pet.

AngryBeaver32 8

I guess the point I'm trying to make is even though you may be grieving a beloved pet you probably shouldn't bring it up to comfort a grieving mother. I understand what you're saying though and like I said there is nothing wrong with grieving your pets because they become like family members.

LoMarie 4

Because carrying around a child that is A PART of you, sharing YOUR body, knowing that YOU created it from your own flesh and blood, is hard to compare to losing a (while very loved and important) family pet. What pisses me off is that people fail to realize everyone grieves in their own way. Many of these comments are people that aren't willing to just say "I'm sorry for both losses" and end it there. Any loss, of ANY loved one, human or not, is difficult. Hell...I'm sad when I lose a fish! The concept people need to learn here, is that it's just hard to fathom something that you have no experience in.

WTF?? I would have smack his/her mouth before he/she finished her sentence

littlemsweirdo 12

That pun should go in the "Puns that made me want to kill myself" CATegory

littlemsweirdo 12

35: I gotta give it to ya, your pun was better. In fact it was PURR-fect

No, a catastrophe is a cup awarded for the nicest feline derriere.

I know the feeling when someone compared my bros death to their dogs death i damn neat beat them with a shovel... Sorry bout your mom

AngryBeaver32 8

I'm sorry that you went through that. I get that people really love their pets and grieve when they die and there's nothing wrong with that at all. But to try to relate those feelings to someone who just lost a dear family member is pretty damn hurtful. Again, sorry for your loss.

MissHayleyJames 7

Honestly my dogs' deaths would be a bigger deal to me than my brother's. We've never been close and he's turned into an asshole so I don't even talk to him anymore. I would never compare the death of a pet to the death of someone else's family member because they may not see it the same way I do. But some of us do care more about our pets than our bastard family members.

PinkFun1969 9

A cats death to a humans? That person had a little understatement.