By ashleigh_anarchy - 21/02/2012 01:05 - Australia

Today, someone actually thought it was appropriate to compare my mother's death to the death of their cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 304
You deserved it 3 365

ashleigh_anarchy tells us more.

ashleigh_anarchy 7

Just to follow things up. It has only been a month since she passed away. She was pretty much my best friend. She had been sick for all of my life and I looked after her for as long as I remember. In the last three months she was completely bedridden. She was a very strong woman and was expected to live 20 years less than she did, but I absolutely couldn't believe it when she died because of how much she carried on and of course I cared about it more than anything. It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced, and am still experiencing. The cat in question was a stray cat, and I posted this because why the **** would I post an FML on the day she died? I can tell you now I was doing a lot more important things. This is my reaction to an idiot one month later, who said 'Sorry about your mum. I know how you feel, my cat died'. Nothing should be more important than the relationship with your mother. If you never got to have a good relationship with yours, I'm very sorry. But yeah, I have lost pets and I was distraught but NOTHING can compare. If you haven't lost a close parent, you can't imagine.

Top comments

that's terrible. i'm sorry OP. some people don't put things into perspective


HannahWho 8

I understand Op that you found the comparison disrespectful. Your mother was a person, not a cat, and thus, in your mind, should be elevated to great importance. However, some people had shit parents, or were never close. They might be socially anxious and not be able to relate to people. Comparing the death of a parents to the death of an animal is only rude if they say, "Your mom is like a dog I hit driving this morning." If they genuinely loved the pet and had it for a significant number of years, then they could have had a very close, emotional bond to that animal. When someone loses something we want to make them feel better. If all you have is a dead pet, in an awkward situation you are going to throw that on the table and hope that the person will feel better knowing you understand their loss. I lost a dog at 12 and that caused me to cry harder than the death of my grandmother. I just had more of an emotional attachment to the dog than my grandmother who lives 1,000 miles away.

So 90, are you saying an adopted child is not as important as a birthed child? I am a pet owner as well and i can tell you that, as a sane person, i will still be more broken hearted when my dog dies than when my grandma died. I'm more attached to my dog.

hateevryone 14

sorry about your mom. and whoever said that is garbage.

Death is death. The only thing that makes it significant is how attached the survivors are to the deceased. Some people care more about their cat than their mother, and would grieve appropriately. Who are you to say that their grief is less valid than yours?

JustStella 28

Wow. Those first two sentences were so powerful. I may look like a geek here, but that's worthy of being a popular quote that you'd find on a Google search or something. I wish I could favorite comments. FML has a brain.

I am someone who cares deeply for my pet and will be devastated when she dies, and frankly I'm insulted by your presumptuousness. While you obviously didn't deserve your mother's death, I said YDI anyway for being so ignorant. For many people, pets are just as important as human family members. To automatically insist that a human has to be more important is just inconsiderate and self-centered. To them, the cat may have mattered just as much or more than their mother would have. And that's a perfectly legitimate way to feel. And pets aren't any more "replaceable" than humans. You can get another one, but it would be a different being entirely. Similarly, you can have another child if one dies, but it won't be the same child. Why would any other species all be exactly alike when humans are all so different?

someone3333 5

If you truly believe your animal is anywhere near as important as a person you are an idiot

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Obviously someone has never had a pet in their life...

someone3333 5

People that believe their animal is as important as a person are morons with the inability to build real relationships. Pets are pets. Even crappy people are more important than an animal. I absolutely despise people that act like their animal is as important as a child or person. I am very sorry for your loss and that you ha to deal with a complete moron

You do realize that animals are just different life forms. We are also a type of animal. Just because we have limited communication with them does not make them less important. They are self aware and deserve life. Sure, a person may be more important to another person. But that doesn't make animals less important in the sense of life worth. There are animals that do in fact have an equal intelligence to us.

RebekahBrooke 9

a lot of people are kind of nervous at the news of someones death, and they're just trying to relate. it wasn't an insult, they just wanted to reach out to you

And whats wrong with that OP? You dont know how long theyve cried over their pet. Stop thinking only about yourself and use your brain for once

Somehow i dont think the loss of a pet, which is replaceable, can be compared to that of a mother who cared and raised you and has been there your whole life are compareable, maybe you should try taking your own advice and use your brain once in a while

I actually had the same thing occur when someone compared the death of my Nana to their dog. Sure, loss is loss and to some, it can be just as tragic and crushing...but it's one of the comparisons you never make.