By John - 07/11/2009 16:04 - United States
Valedictorian02 tells us more.
It has to be one of those four, huh? Because you know of four situations so mine has to be one of those four? I'm OP. I took the scholarship, got a B.A. in Economics with a minor in Computer Science (not quite Basket-Weaving or Art History, sorry), did analysis for a company that recently went under, started working for a start-up until I ran out of money, then took the best job I could find, which happens to involve selling french fries. By the way, he DID want french fries. And he got them.
Top comments
Oh economy, how I love thee....
A high school valedictorian position means nothing. Public education in the U.S. sucks. No wonder there are so many idiots in this country that believe in crap like creationism and god.
Many idiots in other countries believe the same thing, or along those lines. :I @OP: Titles and scholarships mean nothing if you don't do anything with them.
If you went to high school in DC, you got to be valedictorian because you're the only one who didn't get pregnant, shot and killed or thrown in jail. So, DID he want fries with that?
^ This comment is Bonerific !
I'm going to high school in dc next year! They're not all like that! Especially the private schools!
Things will get better. :/
It's not you, it's the economy.
Public education in the U.S. sucks. No wonder so many people in this country believe in creationism and god.
Nice try troll. It isn't public education that makes people believe in creationism and God, but it's nice to see that you are so well educated that you have made this deduction yourself. This FML has nothing to do with religion anyway.
Our school Valedictorian is now a stripper. No joke, her stage name is snow white because she was really pale.
That's pretty hot actually ;D
#13 I think the word you're looking is actually 'sad' not 'hot'. As in it's really sad someone so smart had to degrade herself in such a pathetic manner.
Haha. Eff your life indeed
Well ****!!! Maybe this could be why people don't have jobs??? Why in the Hell didn't everyone think of that!!! YOU just discovered the Rosetta Stone for unemployment! No one thought to look for a job!!! You must have steaming pig shit for brains.
Haha THANK YOU. It sucks for the OP but I'm kind of happy an FML like this was posted. You kids better wake up cause that is reality right now. I graduated from a top 50 university. I have five years experiamce in communcationd and marketing. I have experience in art coordination and have done tech marketing. Oh and when I'm not typing on my phone, I can write pretty well. I start tomorrow as a seasonal cashier. I mean I'm lucky it's at a store I love. But that's what the e onomy has done to the job market. So get ready kids. For fighting for the same position as ppl with more experience and the se college backgrounds. Get ready to move back home. And get off the high horses and understand we are all in the se boat right now. And it'll be that much harder for new grads. Why? Because people are willing to work for less money in these times just for se job security and health benefits. Welcome to the real world.
It's things like this that get me scared! I'm an undergrad bio major, and I'm afraid I'm not going to get a job when I go looking. Most of my recently graduated friends are STILL looking. If only finding a good job was as easy as it sounded. I wouldn't be broke NOW if that was the case.
I feel bad for you, MonkeySpeaks, but the simple fact is; not everyone has useless skills. Perhaps if the OP had actually done something other than library science with his free pass to college, he wouldn't be selling fries.
"I have five years experiamce in communcationd..." O RLY? In communication?
"Oh and when I'm not typing on my phone, I can write pretty well." Read the rest before you make fun of someone and make a jackass out of yourself, #91.
Thank you Gummi. And by the way, directed to the smart ass above, I'll assume you are thirteen considering you can't type out a whole word. My mistakes were pure typos due to being horrible at iPhone typing. Yours were due to ignorance, immaturity or both. "o rly?" Yes, really. Idiot.

If you went to high school in DC, you got to be valedictorian because you're the only one who didn't get pregnant, shot and killed or thrown in jail. So, DID he want fries with that?
Our school Valedictorian is now a stripper. No joke, her stage name is snow white because she was really pale.