By anonymous - 24/11/2015 19:38 - Switzerland - Unterageri

Today, something must be wrong with me. Last night, my dick went limper than overcooked spaghetti while in my wife's mouth, yet today I popped a massive boner that you could hammer nails with, while cutting the grass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 116
You deserved it 3 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could be environmental. nothing to do with you. take your wife to the great outdoors for some nature rumbling/tumbling.


metalgearsoldier 6

just how drunk were/are you, mate?

I doubt "whisky dick" was the source of the OP's problem :)

countryb_cth 38

It was grassy dick, that's his problem.

FalloutScrolls 25

I've heard of some weird fetishes before, but if that's what you get off on, that's what you get off on.

morley05 11

I guess trimming the grass turns you on. maybe you should trim your wife's grass. that should help you out bud

Think about cutting grass when you're with your wife. Problem solved!

Think they have candles out now with that scent. Get some of those he could probably qualify for some farming grants because of all the plowing going on

hilamonster06 21

Sorry dude, but I think that's more information than anybody wants to know.

Ask your wife to dress up as a lawn ornament.

Hell yea! Garden gnome, beard might get itchy for her though. Could try a flamingo but there's no telling how long she'd be able to it standing on one leg

Perhaps you should nail her to the lawn. .

Well wasn't that the most overly graphic FML I've ever read...