By anonymous - 24/11/2015 19:38 - Switzerland - Unterageri

Today, something must be wrong with me. Last night, my dick went limper than overcooked spaghetti while in my wife's mouth, yet today I popped a massive boner that you could hammer nails with, while cutting the grass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 116
You deserved it 3 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could be environmental. nothing to do with you. take your wife to the great outdoors for some nature rumbling/tumbling.


priyaa_x 8

I don't think he was planning to

countryb_cth 38

It was an accidental grassing, no one plans for it, it just happens.

I don't see why this was down voted I found it pretty funny haha. Op I hope that it's nothing serious. But seriously this made me laugh

gary8082 14

Well maybe you should try mowing your wife's lawn in order to get aroused.

Rawrshi 25

That's an interesting form of foreplay.

That was... descriptive. On a completely related note I'm going to rethink my choice of making spaghetti for dinner tonight. Good luck with your issue OP.

Severefear 7

Solution: Bang your wife on freshly cut grass.

Did you throw your dick at the wall just to make sure it was cooked spaghetti?

mds9986 24

Are those hedge clippers in your pants?