By candie - 27/08/2011 02:10 - United States

Today, thanks to my wife's confession, I found out that the 14 year old child I've raised since I was 16 isn't related to me at all. But at least this narrows the real father down to one of three other guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 611
You deserved it 4 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell yer wife "life's not a garden, so don't be a hoe" !

Well, if you raised a child for 14 years i would say the blood-relation shouldnt matter.


thiscrazything 1

Aww, sucks for you, but hopefully you won't take it out on the kid that knows you as their father , no matter what happens between you and your lying, cheating wife.

thiscrazything 1

Sorry skipster, but you, my friend are an idiot.

Just keep being the man.My uncle raised a child he thought was his too.Once the bio father got involved the boy got in some shit.My uncle took him back in and straightened him out.Now my cousin will have nothing to do with the bio and will tell you that he only has one dad,my uncle.

Notime4bull 4

-turns to three other guys- none of you are the fathers!

shopfitch 7

You deserve it for having sex at such a young age.

For your comment, you deserve to never get laid. I first had sex at 16 and have absolutely no regrets. Neither does the girl (who is now my wife of 5 years).

kittyLoveZombiez 0

I say tell the kid. Yous still love him don't you It will be hard for him if you don't tell him now And kick that **** out of your life she literly doesn't deserve you like no joke.

I hear rubbers are expensive. Up to about $5 for a box now aren't they? Who can afford that with all the dope and booze to be bought! Don't do the deed if you can't live with the consequences. Especially when you're some dumb teenager. YDI, and LOL.

fthku 13

How the **** do you miss the fact that it's not his child?