By ohhelllllno - 20/04/2009 10:05 - Canada

Today, the $300 ring my boyfriend gave me for my birthday slipped off my finger... into the toilet. I had to sift through my own poo to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 194
You deserved it 19 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today my girlfriend told me the ring she thinks cost me $300 fell in the toilet and she fished it out. It was $5 at a garage sale. FHL"


I am curious as to why your first instinct was to use your hand as appose to sifting through with everything and anything else.

ben26_fml 0

YDI be more careful with something like that

i see you have to go through some serious shit in your life.

At least it was your own poo and not someone else's...

At least you got your ring back...and LOL #45.

KyleCaster 0

See, what you shouldn't have done there was drop the ring in the toilet.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Okay, all of the people thinking that girls don't poop. It really isn't funny anymore, it was BARELY funny the first time. Try and get some new material. #41: that was just stupid. Bwahah, yeahh that sucks. And your ring has to smell horrid; one true FML. But it could be worse, he could have broken up with you right after you got it out.

Kickinchicken213 3
mndz_mkl 0

good thing u didnt have explosive diarrhea & had 2 fish it out of that shit!! ! lol

thats not that bad.. shit is just digested food stripped of its nutrients that happens to smell a little.. (depending on the person)