By ohhelllllno - 20/04/2009 10:05 - Canada

Today, the $300 ring my boyfriend gave me for my birthday slipped off my finger... into the toilet. I had to sift through my own poo to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 195
You deserved it 19 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today my girlfriend told me the ring she thinks cost me $300 fell in the toilet and she fished it out. It was $5 at a garage sale. FHL"


kandy_fml 0

This situation could have been a lot worse. You could have had to sift through someone else's shit to get it out. Get the ring tightened a little cause if it falls off, it's probably too big.

MukyDaCookie 0

Wow, what if it actually was just $5 at a garage sale? That would really be a FML, not that this isn't bad enough.

Just going to assume this is fake since I saw basically the same one (written in a different way) on the moderation section a few minutes ago.

uberkrissy 0

Wow, it's not even that bad...when I was younger I'd take a rubber glove to see what shit feels like. It's like one of those things like would you have sex with a hobo for a hundred grand, or would you touch your shit for $300. You have a glove, it's fine..

jmaczor 0

#33, it says the "$300 dollar ring my BOYFRIEND gave me" implying the OP is a woman. read the post before you comment

amaneylandx3 0

ur awesome hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax4

I'm with #72. If it falls into the toilet, it's lost forever. That's what I'd tell my woman. You can clean it all you want but it would always remind me of how it fell into the toilet and that there was once piss and poo on it, then it ended back on a finger which I will now never touch ever again.