By justonce - 23/09/2013 22:38 - United States - Williamstown

Today, the boy who loved me and left me literally became the poster boy for my college. His picture is on the home page of the college website and on a banner in the cafeteria where I eat every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 314
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The more you look at it, the more you'll be desensitized to it. Especially if it's the same exact picture every single time you have to see it. Trust me


Ah, I'd say try and avoid it OP, but it sounds like you won't be able to. I'm sorry, I hope you get over him soon so you won't feel hurt seeing those everyday.

Those stock photo faces eventually become visual white-noise. You'll be fine sooner rather than later.

Jst4kicks 16

While it will be tough to see everyday, if you can get your mind in the right place, you can use it as inspiration to get over him and what he did and move on. It won't be easy, but it can be done. Gl op.

I'm just trying to figure out how this is a "YDI"...

Epikouros 31

Make sure to date ugly dorks from now on, so this won't happen again.

I know this is mean but am I the only one that's picturing it like this.... He is/was some star football player and she was the smart fat chick he was doing on the side to keep his grades up?

Well, to paraphrase Shakespeare: It's better to have loved and lost than to stay home every night and download increasingly shameful pornography. -Raj Koothrappali

perdix 29

Is your college motto, "Hit it and quit it?" Are your sports teams the Duplicitous Casanovas?