By justonce - 23/09/2013 22:38 - United States - Williamstown

Today, the boy who loved me and left me literally became the poster boy for my college. His picture is on the home page of the college website and on a banner in the cafeteria where I eat every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 314
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The more you look at it, the more you'll be desensitized to it. Especially if it's the same exact picture every single time you have to see it. Trust me


Sorry OP. Nothing you can do, but get over it unless you want to change schools...thats a littke extreme though

Sharpie some mustaches and horns onto all the posters you find. It might get you in trouble but fck it "thug life" ^_^

Or use the sharpie to turn them into Valtrex ads....

Epikouros 31

That's childish. The mature thing to do is to write "I suck dick" and his phone number on the poster.

"I suck dick for free. $1 If you want me to take out my teeth." lol.

The more you look at it, the more you'll be desensitized to it. Especially if it's the same exact picture every single time you have to see it. Trust me

Damn OP. Sorry to hear. Invest in a nice paintball marker. I hear they pack quite a punch when you leave the balls in the fridge over night.

Keattles 14

That sucks a lot, try to remember where all the posters are and avoid them, and don't go on the website much. Sorry OP! ):

Get over it. People break up all the time

Apologies if this sounds harsh OP, but suck it up and move on. People break up all the time.

Except they didn't break up, the guy ****** her and ran off. At least that's how I interpreted the "loved and left" phrase.

No I'm pretty sure it was more serious than that if it was just a one nighter she probably wouldn't be upset about it?

He maybe lead her to think he'd call her and never did. OP's name is "justonce"

Write on all his posters "Warning! Do not date! Loves and leaves." Good luck with your sex life, asshole...

Then she will look childish and petty. The best revenge is to look like you don't care and have practically forgotten who he is already.

#28 is right. You know what they say - the best revenge is living well. Don't let on that it bothers you, OP. Hopefully soon it won't be that hard to deal with.

So, the asshole gets to become Mr popularity and mess up a lot more vulnerable hearts. Show me the justice in that?

We don't even know why he left her. Maybe OP was the one at fault. We can't call him an asshole without having a single clue about the break-up. I doubt he masterminded a dastardly plot to get his picture on a poster and rub it in OP's face. He's probably just going about his own life, like OP should.

Are you ppl seriously telling me I am the only one here who knows what "loved and left" means?! FYI, it is not a break-up, it's a douchebag move!

Keep your chin up OP. It's rubbish now but it will get easier and better. One day it will be a story you can tell while laughing, for now though just keep smiling, keep busy and tell yourself he was obviously not the right guy for you and it needed to end so you could be free when the right guy does come along :)