By Anon - 13/12/2009 07:36 - United States

Today, the girl I had a crush on for the past few months called me and wanted to tell me something. Excited, I agreed and we went out to dinner. She wanted to tell me she had been secretly seeing 'someone' for the past six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 291
You deserved it 3 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ummm wow a girl u liked told u that she was dating. u guys weren't even goin out. it like me writing- ohh I coughed today and I drank some water FML


mmaire 0

typical. a girl you've had a crush on "for the past few months" and evidently done nothing about. pathetic. there's nothing more certain to kill any interest a girl might have in you than to hang around, too chicken to make a move. i don't even know why she was 'secretly' seeing someone. she didn't owe you anything.

youfools 0

Watch the "you women" comment. Who exactly are you talking to? The guy who posted the FML or the (mostly) guys laughing at him? Taking someone to dinner to tell them you're going out with someone else isn't something most people do, male or female. Get over yourself, Peroxide. The reason you don't get women is because your head is shoved too far up your ass to accurately grasp the situation.

crzyry 6

I go out to dinner with my female friends all the time with no strings attached. However why was she seeing this person secretly? She either knew the OP liked her or dated someone the OP didn't like.

BikerMike 0
youfools 0

wtf? "You're going out with someone else, but hey, want to suck my dick?" grow up.

I don't understand why she was "secretly" seeing someone... You are not dating so why all the secrets?

I don't get why someone is put within quotation marks. Who is this "someone", your brother/best friend/sister??

Wtf why didnt you just make a move months ago.....

perdix 29

Pro tip: Don't have a crush on someone for a "few months." Once you decide someone is crush-worthy, act within a few days and ask them out. Either they'll say "yes" and you are on your way, or they will reject you and you just need to move on. A long stay in the "crush zone" means you end up in the "friend zone" or the dumping grounds.