By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.

Comments I feel guilty because the same thing happened to me but I told her after "stop doing nice things" and she said yes.....I'm sorry.

countrynotown 0

your an idiot. i mean really after that long you didnt get the hint? your lucky she didnt call the cops you stalker!

SHIT. HAPPENS. fml mods, you disappoint me once again.

fretforyerlatte 0

if this has been going on for six years, i'm sure it's no secret that you want to be with her. we are capable of picking up on things like that. and more than likely, she's tried to let you down gently more than once, to no avail. if she were a major bitch as some are saying, she would have told you to **** off long ago. leave the girl alone, she is not interested.

listen to her. you're better off without that **** anyway.

oh god u shouldve stopped going after her LONG time ago. FYL, move on. :)

Cheerbaby016 0

Awwww i'm sorryy. Sucks to be you

after six years of a person I didn't like hanging around me all the time I would tell them to **** off to. As some have said most likely she knew for a while that you had this huge crush on her and after 6 years of this and her dropping hints she finally got frustrated and told you to **** off

I bet she was trying to give you more subtle signs before but you just wouldn't take them. Maybe she felt she was being stalked and that would explain her rudeness. People are not usually jerks like that out of the blue. Whatever the situation is, LEAVE THE WOMAN ALONE! Find somebody else. Somebody who'll actually like you back.