By sadness - 12/10/2012 02:48 - United States - Metairie

Today, the guy I'm dating came into the same restaurant where I was eating. He was with a girl. He sat at the table next to mine and didn't even bother to say, "Hi." I guess I'm single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 409
You deserved it 2 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, just because he is eating with a girl, doesn't mean he is on a date. It could have been family. He may not have even noticed you. You should talk to him before assuming.

dca101 23

Nothing stopping you from saying it :P


Megan98 18

You should've texted one of your guy friends to meet you.

Quiet_one 22

That sucks, but you really need to try and ask him about it to hear his side. The fact that he didn't say 'hi' is a red flag, but there's still a chance it wasn't a date.

It could of been for work. Him talking to his girlfriend would be very unprofessional, and could have cost him. Dont be so pessimistic!

Or maybe you were never going out. "The guy I'm dating" is markedly different from "my boyfriend".

ideasrule 13

Call him and ask whether he saw you in the restaurant. It could have been an academic, professional, tutoring, or counseling meeting. He could have easily not seen you; I've certainly failed to notice people right next to me until they say hi. Don't assume bad faith at every opportunity, because you'll be wrong more often than you'll be right.

Well I can spend hours at dinner next to somebody I know and neither notice nor be acknowledged by that person until I leave. And being with a girl doesn't necessarily mean going on a date. I've gone out to eat with many of my female friends, but I've never dated any of them. :I

"...back on the prowl.. I thought it was perfect, I dont know how, I'm single again!" what u know about that Trina...?

babyshaft408 8

Dating is not exclusive. So figure ur status out b4 you complain

josh_demarco 0

it may have been a famliy member u supid ass hole

If it was a family member, don't you think he would've at least said "hi"?