By sadness - 12/10/2012 02:48 - United States - Metairie

Today, the guy I'm dating came into the same restaurant where I was eating. He was with a girl. He sat at the table next to mine and didn't even bother to say, "Hi." I guess I'm single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 409
You deserved it 2 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, just because he is eating with a girl, doesn't mean he is on a date. It could have been family. He may not have even noticed you. You should talk to him before assuming.

dca101 23

Nothing stopping you from saying it :P


nothing suggests that they looked alike, maybe a twin... but I doubt it.

mariebc123 7

That's when you get up, walk over say "oh hey baby" and give him a little kiss and introduce yourself to the girl

BerryPrincess 11

Maybe he saw you but didn't want his family to find out about. I mean they don't want their son to date or something.

I agree, sometimes people are too shy to tell their parents. Maybe he's had past relationships fail and his parents made fun (some will) and he's trying it out with op to see if she's girlfriend material before announcing... very unlikely but you never know :)

If that was the case, I feel he could've smiled at her or acknowledged her in some way. Not just sit there and act as though she didn't exist. . . Maybe I'm assuming too much here, but I'm pretty sure that OP wouldn't say she's single "again" if it wasn't obvious he was into the other girl he was with.

mega20913 8

Wow..I'm often amazed at the level of bitchassness that is displayed by some of the people in FMLs like how evil do you have to be to do something like that? OP showed a level of maturity and restraint that far surpasses me and probably a lot of other people who would've reacted differently and perhaps violently...hats of to OP for being the bigger person

I disagree. OP should have said something, if not for herself, for the other girl, so the other girl would know what an arsehole the guy is. could've been a sister, old friend, ex, or something. Don't jump to conclusions. But um....Why didnt you get your ass up and call him out on it. I feel that if he was cheating on you, and sat next down to you with the girl he's cheating on you, that its mainly because he knows he CAN and possibly get away with it because you don't stick up for yourself? Get some guts, call his ass out (don't make an ass of yourself in the process) and demand respect (if you still want to give him a chance). Don't let people walk on you OP, or else they'll pull shit like this all the time.

Even though he shouldn't be out with another girl without you at least knowing about it. That's just disrespectful, period.

If they're just dating not even together why can't he have lunch with a friend/ family member without telling the girl he's dating? You sound a bit over protective. If they were a couple and he didn't mention it it would be a bit odd but OP just said they were dating

Why did you not talk to him? I hope all is well.

You should have thrown a drink on him to embarrass him. He ignored you despite who he was with..Period...ruudeee

You should have gone to his table and said "Hey baby why didnt you tell me your sister was in town?" You can never go wrong with that.

Should of introduced yourself to his date, chances are she doesn't knows he is a bit of a douche.