By Anonymous - 22/03/2014 22:01 - Canada - Toronto

Today, the guy I've been dating told me with a wink that before he'll go on any more dates, he'd require me to take a series of "oral exams" to prove I'm right for him. I think he actually expected that to work. NEXT. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 580
You deserved it 6 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martialart1st18 19

That's lame he need to learn how to talk to women

Guy: "I'm a gigantic dirtbag." OP: "True." Some oral exams aren't that difficult after all.


I don't mean to be rude but how does it suck for you must suck for the corny dude. Oviously you broke up with him if I'm interpreting this fight.

Maybe she really liked him and is disappointed that he turned out to be a jerk?

lol If he needs to use that line he's a loser

I hope he didn't mean it the other way! Wink wink ;)

That's a pretty weird way to get some head, but it might work though

OP's post reminds me of that old, stupid MTV show, next.

Yeah in that "Wow I can't believe he said that." kind of way.

I thought so too, but how he said it (which we don't know) changes everything. If he tried to persuade her instead of laughing if of, I would have left too. If he just treated it as a bad joke and then continued being nice and non-sexual I probably wouldn't mind.

I think he should look into dental plans himself

Did he happen to mention having a friend named Pete?