By Anonymous - 22/03/2014 22:01 - Canada - Toronto

Today, the guy I've been dating told me with a wink that before he'll go on any more dates, he'd require me to take a series of "oral exams" to prove I'm right for him. I think he actually expected that to work. NEXT. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 580
You deserved it 6 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martialart1st18 19

That's lame he need to learn how to talk to women

Guy: "I'm a gigantic dirtbag." OP: "True." Some oral exams aren't that difficult after all.


Or... he may be a good guy with a sense of humor and this girl has just friend zoned him to the point of desperation.

Double standards ? It probably would have worked if he was a woman and OP a man, hell it would have worked for me, think about that.

I don't think you know what "double standards" actually are. In this case, it would mean that one action is okay for one gender, but looked down upon for the other. And women telling men they need to take "oral exams" is not less frowned upon than men saying it. This is just a case of "standards", and hers not fitting with his behaviour. I think plenty of men would find it equally sleazy.

#73 "I don't think you know what "double standards" actually are. In this case, it would mean that one action is okay for one gender, but looked down upon for the other." Are you kidding me ? That's exactly what I said xD ! It depends on the way he said it, but I'm guessing if he winked, it was probably jokingly. And yes, if a woman used the same trick on me, it would work because I'd find it kinky and funny, and I don't go on dates with people I wouldn't have sex with, but maybe I'm super weird.

kingdomgirl94 29

This FML doesn't say how long they've been dating. For all we know this is only the second date or they've been dating for like two weeks. Some people want something substantial emotionally before doing sexual things with people.

I get what you're trying to say but I really don't think this is a double standard. It's an equal level of aggressiveness and inappropriateness if a man OR woman says this to a new-ish date, but when it comes to double standards, which comes to sexism, there is so much rooted in "male entitlement" that, if this was said in seriousness, he believes that women owe him sexual acts by default simply because of gender and oh yeah he took her on a date or two. This is a popular but dangerous social mindset. As much as I know sexism goes both ways, the real issue with this weirdo's statement (if you want to make it an issue) would *so rarely* be reversed that no, it can't be a double standard. Women aren't taught and encouraged to have this mindset.

Continuing from the middle paragraph: This guy judges a woman's worth by how well she Serves him. He's a misogynist.

So you didn't meet up with Pete later that night?

NotInUse22 16

But what if he was a dentist offering free exsaminations

Perhaps he wanted to test you general knowledge skills with this proposed test

NiceGuysDoWin 21

How sad must your life be if you think sex is something that cannot be joked about? Sex is intimate, but it is also fun and dirty and sweaty. Someone is going to get a cramp. Someone is eventually going to fall off the bed. If you can't laugh and have a sense of humor about sex, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment.