By IceCreamCraver - 16/08/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, the ice cream truck went by my house for the seventh time today, as it has for the last seven days of my fasting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 627
You deserved it 8 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao he's not christian, ignorants. haha He's Muslim. Muslims are now Fasting cause it's Ramadan. Just ignore it, my friends sleep through the day until the Adan. Then they eat. wohoo?

musicgirl373 0

haha i know how you feel. i've been fasting too. just hang in there till maghrib. and to all you who say that he deserves this, i would like you to try it.


merziaisinlove 0

good job, screw everyone. Seriously good job :]

doink 0

I think your generation is screwed up because of text speak. Mocking of religions has been going on for centuries.

FFML_314 11

67, your generation is screwed up, because you're lazy. Here's why, *What *to *I'm *year *I *because *like *people *every *period at the end of your sentence. *comma after up and people Are you learning nothing?

kittenlove123 0

I know how you feel :/ I'm fasting too and my brother always makes sure to get himself a slurpee and drink it in front of me since he's too small to fast :( good luck OP XP

pachecogirl 0

awe! I feel bad for you :o good luck? /:

ecarr 7

im fasting too. =) just hang on. a month.

Sorry, but YDI. Fasting is a choice, much like religion. If your religion is taking away the things you enjoy in life, it should be time to consider another religion. Also, choosing not to eat to prove your faith or whatever, and then bitching about it? Pretty selfish results from such a selfless act.

39 they were not in any way putting down their religion. just because a religion gives you a test of faith it doesn't mean you should just give up and consider another easier religion. and OP was not complaining about Ramadan just how the ice cream made the days particularly harder

yeahiknow0 0

Omg I tried fasting with my dad but I got to hungry and ended up eating at like 3

love_maddieee 0

its a sign. Your just not meant to be fasting.

Twigggy 0

mmmm icecream and it's creamy goodnees

black prophet would say, "meet you in heaven."