By IceCreamCraver - 16/08/2010 20:35 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ice cream dude - 10/08/2012 13:58 - United States - Denver
By Scottie Too Hottie - 27/06/2016 22:49 - United States - Pontiac
By Anonymous - 09/09/2011 13:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2012 01:59 - United States - South Salem
By UnicornWaffles - 24/10/2016 01:38 - United States - Wooster
By BrokebyKids - 06/09/2010 20:26 - United States
By teachingsucks - 14/03/2010 18:29 - United States
Parenting gone feral
By hungry - 22/10/2019 04:00 - Canada - Halifax
By Anonymous - 01/07/2012 17:09 - United States
By ShaunBomb - 11/12/2010 06:11 - United States
Top comments
hey 25 how are u fasting if your still eating correct me if I'm wrong but fasting is when u only drink water for a period of how ever long u need to soooo your saying your parents only drink water for 40 days are they on a serious weight loss program
:-D good luck :)
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I could be wrong, but for some major surgeries are you supposed to fast for a day or two?
If you're having a surgery that requires you to be under anesthesia then you're not allowed to eat or drink the night and morning before surgery. If you do eat or drink before your surgery, you might choke while under anesthesia and since you'd be sleeping and can't be woken up, you'd die.
it be like that sometimes....
By Fasting for that long, you're basically killing yourself...even if it is for religious reasons.
Muslims traditionally feast at night during Ramadan, which is likely why OP's fasting. Not eating for 14 or so hours isn't going to kill anyone unless they're already ill, even if they do it for a month.
#124 younger children and the elderly do not have to fast during neither do pregnant women or people of ill health, this fasting during the month of Ramadan isn't meant to break down the weak it is for healthy able bodied people.
Aah, I suspected as much. Thanks for the clarification.
OP I know how you feel I put it on the food Chanel everyday I fast for the last hour :P but it really doesn't temp me today's my worst day of fasting and people who think he diserves it cause he's fasting are dumb it's the rules of his or her religion it's like you telling a Christian to hate Jesus so shutup
OP, why don't you buy the ice cream and put it in the freezer until after Maghrib when you can eat it? Jeez. I had a major cupcake urge the other day, so I bought some anyway to eat after sunset. Btw, all the racist and stereotypical comments on here are really entertaining to read. Gives me a good laugh over how some people are so immature and have about as many brain cells as a chimpanzee. Sad how you never learnt to grow the **** up and realise just because everyone isn't like you, you have no right to bring them down. I personally love Ramadan, keeps me nice and light throughout the day. 14 hours without food isn't that hard. I never feel hungry, just thirsty. Stops you from stuffing yourself like a cow everyday. :/
it's 19 hours for us here in Scotland - but your right it's not that hard to go without food or drink etc for that period. Ramzan Mubarak :)
lmao he's not christian, ignorants. haha He's Muslim. Muslims are now Fasting cause it's Ramadan. Just ignore it, my friends sleep through the day until the Adan. Then they eat. wohoo?
haha i know how you feel. i've been fasting too. just hang in there till maghrib. and to all you who say that he deserves this, i would like you to try it.