By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 23:47 - United States

Today, the kids I babysit hid from me. While I was looking for them, I stepped on multiple strategically-placed Lego bricks. When I yelped from the pain, the kids jumped out and threw soccer balls in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 191
You deserved it 5 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think these kids may have watched Home Alone one too many times...

lautturi 2

Nothing worse than stepping on Legos. Why not strategically place Lego to get them back?


I wouldn't recommend being snobby and childish back. You may loose your job. Though, the risk may outweigh the benefits. It depends on how much they pay you.

Ninja's in training I see. Watch the shadows...

Legos.... "Kid-safe" caltrops is what I call them!! Sorry about your pain, OP!

My brother and I were always stuck with mean old Mrs. Rogers as a sitter. She was a scary witch!!! We hated her but my parents LOVED her. We were definitely afraid to play any tricks on her. It was the 70's and she would have beat the hell out of us AND told our parents how rotten we were.

Those kids are going to be so successful in life.

I sympathise with your torment as a babysitter, OP. Especially since they probably come Cheaper By The Dozen.

WTF? Are you babysitting Bin Laden's kids?