By BadatDIY - 16/11/2009 14:04 - United Kingdom

Today, the maintenance workers finally came to my apartment to fix the shower-head that kept falling off the wall. I was annoyed because they had replaced it a few weeks ago and since then, it'd been a problem. They went into my bathroom, turned the shower head around, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 977
You deserved it 27 708

Same thing different taste

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Today, I read an FML worded so badly that I wasn't entirely sure what happened in it. FML.

I'm not real sure what happened. Describe better, someone?


This is very confusing, the way you've written it. Is it supposed to be an FML because maintenance didn't do anything worthwhile to fix your problem, or is it an FML because it was an easy fix and you missed it? I have no clue what you mean when you say they "turned the shower head around"... is it facing towards the wall now? Because that's kind of what I'm envisioning, but that can't be right.

Today, I read an FML worded so badly that I wasn't entirely sure what happened in it. FML.

Darling_Cherry 5

I agree. Maybe whoever moderated this one can explain it.

Right on. I say let the douchebag who moderated this FML gives us all a proper explanation as to WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON?!!!!

Darling_Cherry 5

LoL. We're all English majors here. :-)

Erindub 0

Yeah I'm pretty confused myself. I rarely if ever call my landlord to fix issues. Guess I'm just lucky I own tools and know how to use them. I never wait on them to fix stuff. Besides it just pisses them off to have to fix stuff in my experience with all of my landlords.

fotc77 0

ummm so something doesn't work and the first thing you do is call someone to fix it, why attempt to fix it yourself? you moron

Erindub 0

I was saying I USED TO call my landlord and it always pissed them off so now I just fix stuff on my own. Its easier and way more hassle free.

Skull_300 0

What the ****? The maintenance worker probably looked at you just like we are...

I think maybe it's the kind of shower head that has a hose and a handle that fits into a slot. I would guess that it was put into the slot upside down, not backwards and so it would slip out and fall.

f_my_flip_life 5

OP's username is "BadatDIY". Apparently she's bad at explaining too. This post confused the hell out of me for a bit.

It's your damn fault because no one knows what exactly the **** happened...

Yeah, I don't get it either. And I'm usually pretty good at interpreting the ****-wit FMLs.