By BadatDIY - 16/11/2009 14:04 - United Kingdom

Today, the maintenance workers finally came to my apartment to fix the shower-head that kept falling off the wall. I was annoyed because they had replaced it a few weeks ago and since then, it'd been a problem. They went into my bathroom, turned the shower head around, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 977
You deserved it 27 708

Same thing different taste

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Today, I read an FML worded so badly that I wasn't entirely sure what happened in it. FML.

I'm not real sure what happened. Describe better, someone?


she means to say that they screwed it back on... which she obviously hadn't tried.

blindwhisper 0

wdf this should have been posted by one of the guys that came to do the repairs, not by you. then it would have been a FML. still, thanks for sharing. i feel better all of the sudden for fixing myself the door bell and some of my sockets and for putting up some shelves with the drill press - while being a woman :/

wait a minute.. so they just screwed it in? i dont get it.

wow_badfml 0

Ok so.... Either Op Is a dumb ass or Maintenance sucks ass at their job.

It was probably one of those detachable shower heads with the cord and when they installed it the holder was upside down. She probably felt dumb for not turning it around, hence the FML. Don't call her a moron for not thinking of that because clearly the maintenance guy forgot to install it correctly as well.

but it says "THEY**" replaced it a couple weeks ago. so wouldn't it be their fault..? && what I was thinking was maybe they came in, unscrewed it, turned it around, && screwed it back in.. but that'd be a little impossible, wouldn't it..? even if so, OP should've explained a little bit better... details please.!(: lol.

tounces7 27

I figured this out. It's a detachable shower head. The OP was putting it back into it's holder the wrong way, so it kept falling out. So they just turned it around and stuck it back in correctly.

ali_kkatt 15

op is saying that it was a problem because he put the shower head in wrong. so when the maintenance people came, they just turned it around.

randybryant799 20

I have no idea what you're saying.