By sadcapri96 - 23/06/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, the old lady I've been taking care of and running errands for died. She hadn't paid me yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 576
You deserved it 47 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lumenoire 0

...Must've been the same lady who gave the pizza guy a 1 cent tip..


hj8910 0

That's horrible. What kind of person are you?


maybe she's been taking care of the lady for a while now and it's a big sum of money and she needed it for something important! maybe shes a single mom or something, c'mon lay off the attack guys. im sure she feels sad for the lady too!

that's a pretty sick thing to get upset about, u should be upset that te lady u took care of has passed away!!!

nikki_in_ohio 0

U sound extremely selfish. SMH. I'm glad u didn't get paid

selfish much? your a dick. I don't like you.


I thought it was pretty funny

grnfairy 5

wow what an Ahole u are that u only care about ur money. this is NOT a FML situation

that's sick. ******* idiot!! it's not a joke when someone's life was lost!!! if the lady that had passed was related 2 u would u be laughing ur ass off? gosh people like u make me sick...

is that really all you care about in that situation?? you nees help...