By sadcapri96 - 23/06/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, the old lady I've been taking care of and running errands for died. She hadn't paid me yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 576
You deserved it 47 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lumenoire 0

...Must've been the same lady who gave the pizza guy a 1 cent tip..


bigboston 0

someone died and you care about money that's pathetic

ChelseaRaeS 7

Selfish much! Do you care that she's dead??

I hope she disturbs you in your sleep, then you'll have a real FML to write.

iBeast101 5

wow this isn't really a FML. you should be glad that wasn't you dead.

this should be an FML on how shallow u are!!

sadcapri96 0

To all the people who want stop talking about me thr woman made racial slurs and called me a bitch everyday and i was nothing but polite. I need to pay student loans **** off.

Well done for defending yourself, OP. These people are making huge assumptions. Fact of the matter is, you did a job and didn't get paid. That's an FML. Double FML if she was racist and called you names, just for strangers to judge you for caring about being paid to endure said name-calling!

your a dick is that really all you cared about

i swear i lose IQ points reading fml comments... he was doing a job and didnt get paid for it irreguardless of why his pay was not recieved does not matter. He is not implying that hes angry about it but rather expressing the situation he was in. Dont say your going to kick his ass all you keyboard warriors, stop being retarded and make sure you understand the OP before you post shit...

I completely agree. Everyone's bashing the OP for being a selfish jerk, but it's perfectly reasonable to expect to get paid. I imagine taking care of an elderly person isn't the easiest job. Thumbs up for having common sense.

Laby_fml 9

You made her life easier. You were paid with the satisfaction of being a good person to an elder.