By Stung - 19/06/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, the weather was nice so I decided to eat outside. I quickly found out that my new, expensive hair conditioner attracts bees. Lots of bees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 093
You deserved it 6 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, bees love you. At least it wasn't bears.

Maybe you shouldn't be using honey as a hair conditioner then so you don't attract the bees like Nicolas Cage does. OH NO NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!


Aww that sucks!! xP I hope you aren't allergic/don't get may want to put the conditioner away and start using it again in the fall or winter when there aren't as many bees out.

Aww, that sucks so much for your dad!! I hope he was okay xP My friend once ordered a smoothie from a stand at a zoo, and when they handed her the drink, they also handed her a small square of gauze-ish material, not big enough to be a hand wipe. When she asked what the heck it was, the salesperson said "it's for the bee stings!". She thought it was really strange they'd anticipate her getting bee-stings from her drink, but sure enough, when she opened the top, a swarm of bees flew over and attacked her drink. why sell it if they KNOW it will attract bees? xP

that's why you don't buy honey scented


couldn't of it been your food? maybe

Someone_somewere 7

I would be terrified (I'm allergic to bees and wasps)

I guess you bought the shampoo that gives you bee-utiful hair.

So you go: 'ah I'm attracting lots of bess, it must be my new conditioner!'.

sasha717 0

or maybe JUST was the food that attracted the bees. but hey idk...maybe that's just me thinking crazy?