By Stung - 19/06/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, the weather was nice so I decided to eat outside. I quickly found out that my new, expensive hair conditioner attracts bees. Lots of bees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 097
You deserved it 6 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, bees love you. At least it wasn't bears.

Maybe you shouldn't be using honey as a hair conditioner then so you don't attract the bees like Nicolas Cage does. OH NO NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!


ahh that sucks :/ I would've freaked! Bees scare the shit outta me. not as much as spiders though....

monkeychick56 0

That's what you get when you buy expensive stuff! And when you washed your hair did you find any honey???

beaniebabe 0

Was it made from honey? Cause that'll get ya

beaniebabe 0

They also may have been attracted to the food

Save the conditioner for the winter, anyway. No use wasting it.

That sux, but not a FML. Unless you mean F.MyLunch LOL Write to the Co. Maybe they'll give you free stuff.

Yep. Spiders are pretty freaky creatures. Fast buggers. I just squished one the size of a half dollar. Buuuut yeah. Food or hair, getting chased by bees ain't fun.

Youre_not_sorry7 2

haha aww that totally stinks. one time my dad was fixing the roof and as he put the ladder on the ground he like crushed a bee hive or something that was down there and all these bees came flying out, up the ladder and stung him so he like jumps off the ladder and started running over to wear i was in the backyard waving his arms everywhere with bees still around him it was hilarious (and sad lol) after all the bees were gone, poor dads face and hands blew up like a balloon for a good 2 hours. thank the Lord he wasnt allergic haha but yea your fml reminded me of this. both sad/funny stories, hope youre not allergic :)

Youre_not_sorry7 2

yea he like refused to go to the doctor so we gave him little sympathy lol but he was okay omgsh thats crazy they shouldnt make drinks like that if they know ppl are gonna get stung....what if someone was allergic? like would they be able to take the drink back? lol