By FUCKING POWER - 02/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Wixom

Today, there was a power outage at my apartment. I ended up deciding that the power wasn't going to come on any time soon, and that I should go to a hotel for the night. Just after I unpacked at the hotel, my neighbor called to say the power had come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 509
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Last year I went two weeks without power due to Hurricane sandy so one night really isn't that bad. Next time check your power company's website for when your power is going to be restored before you go running to a hotel.

Which he is going to do with his computer... That has no power?

In this day and age when a good majority of people have smart phones I'm sure he'll figure something out.

gemstone586 12

who has pc's these days? I thought everyone had laptops and ipads, if not just a smart phone...

KayleeFrye 39

As an East Coaster who went without power for 11 days after Hurricane Irene in 2011, then for 8 days after the October Snowstorm just two months later, and finally for 6 days without power after Hurricane Sandy last year, I can sympathize somewhat. But you MAJORLY jumped the gun by fleeing to a hotel the first night! Why didn't you call your power company to get an estimated time of restoration? Checking into a hotel because you know it's going to be a week before the power comes back is one thing, but to do it without even checking? You can't go a single night without power? That's just sad. I'm sorry, but I'm going with YDI on this one!

Can't you handle no power for one night? Society these days.

Waste of time and money for the sake if 1 night. You can order food, read from candle light, HAVE CONVERSATIONS with your family instead of on a phone or computer, etc.

It's pretty obvious that OP is a pansy. If there was a legit reason like needing heat, they would have said so

Just enjoy it op. try to think of it as a mini vacation!

When we have rolling blackouts I generally catch up on my beauty sleep and if I need to work and the laptop's power is running low I generally phone a close friend. What puzzles me is not the running away as much as why OP didn't head to a friend's place?

Perhaps OP is such a pussy that he has no friends.

perdix 29

If the hotel had a waffle-maker, it would be so worth it! Just make sure you cook it for at least three minutes, otherwise you'll be eating warm batter.

Why didn't you just wait to see if the power would have came back on or contact your provider for an estimated time on power restoration (that is if you were able to contact them via cellphone, borrow the phone from your neighbor / store that didn't lose power, etc)? You jumped ship to early before determining if it was going to sink OP. At least enjoy your hotel room for the day regardless. :)