By FUCKING POWER - 02/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Wixom

Today, there was a power outage at my apartment. I ended up deciding that the power wasn't going to come on any time soon, and that I should go to a hotel for the night. Just after I unpacked at the hotel, my neighbor called to say the power had come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 509
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You could've called the Power Department and asked them how long it will take to return it back -_-

piggle 9

You couldn't go one night without power?

Beepbeep7 14

If you had more patience,you could have saved some money.

Perhaps OP felt powerless about their circumstances and the decision to stay at a motel made them feel more empowered.

graceinsheepwear 33

Not only did you jump the gun in rushing to a hotel, but it sounds like you did it with great fanfare too, if your neighbor was aware of it and calling you when the power went on.

Not to mention, the OP said they had "just finished unpacking at the hotel." Really, how much stuff would the OP need for an overnight stay?

Aussieinusa 5

Haste will never help you but I think that if you had thought that the logical thing to do would be oh to a hotel it's a good choice because what if the power never cam ? What would you have done then so I think you made a right choice

gemstone586 12

wow, a motel for $400? around here that would rent you an apartment for a month.

luckyone365 7

49: You're the dumbest bitch in America if you think the going rate of an average hotel room is $400.

We had a horrible winter storm a few years back now and we were without electricity for 5-6 days and we couldn't leave our house due to snow drifts. We managed with flashlights and a camping stove. We lived in the country so once the power is off so is our water pump, so we used melted snow to drink, bathe and cook with. You couldn't even wait one night? Pathetic

Exactly. Some people are just spoiled I guess. My family was without power for a month and a half during Hurricane Katrina. We survived just fine on bottled water and cooked all our food on a charcoal grill.