By Badab1ng - 24/11/2011 06:52 - United States

Today, things were getting heated with my girlfriend, so I tried taking her shirt off. Slapping my hands away, she said, "I was only dating you to get my self-confidence up, I'm good now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 232
You deserved it 4 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you tell her you were only interested in her to get laid. Her self-confidence should dive-bomb and become a complete wreck, scattered upon a scorched landscape. Confidence isn't built from someone wanting to have sex with you, she's horribly misguided.


eatdemcupcakes 4

Tell her that she has a flat chest and that you're only dating her cuz you're gay and she looks like a man....

You should tell her that you were only dating her for a dare. That you won the 'ugly bitch with no soul' lottery by dating the most unattractive, mean spirited bitch you could find and that your prize was a bottle of tequila to get the taste out of your mouth from kissing/ going down on her. I believe that should sort out that self esteem issue.

**** that bitch. Tell her I was only using you for a cum depository

threer 30

This sounds like absolute bull.