By achoooo - 07/11/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, to celebrate moving into a new apartment, my girlfriend decided she would get a kitten. She didn't know I'm allergic to cats. When I told her, she decided that she couldn't date someone who couldn't be around her cat; the one she doesn't have yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 427
You deserved it 3 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope her name is on the lease and not yours, that way you can bail. If you still have to live together after breaking up, that sucks dude. Though cats are awesome. Also, first. I've never been first before. It's nice.

You didn't say that it was a new appartment the two of you got together - I hope for your sake it's not. And I have to assume those of you who agree with the girlfriend's choice have never actually been in love with a human being. Don't get me wrong, I'd never abandon my cat for my girlfriend, but I wouldn't abandon my girlfriend for my cat either. I would find a way to arrange my life that allows for both of them. If he had told her "it's me or the cat" that would be different- I'm assuming he didn't say that because people on FML don't seem to be shy about that sort of thing. I've seen "Today, I told my [significant other] that either [pet / car / roommate / other] goes or I go. They chose the [pet / car / roommate / other]. FML" a couple of times.


I've met so many people who are allergic to cats. The next man that she meets could be, too. But then again, it doesn't need to be a cat allergy. It could be any problem of theirs that might prevent them from having something that she wants in a shared residence. It's all about her, right? So what if you have skin problems, she wants the laundry to smell like spring breeze! Allergic to pollen? Too bad, she likes to keep the windows open. And she wants flowers inside! It's such a shame that you don't like pink, because she's painting the bedroom right now. Please never develop any medical conditions that prevent you from eating all the foods that she loves, because she's can't be with someone who can't eat at all of her favorite restaurants. Oh, and she really loves those jogs that you two go on. So, if something ever happens to you that renders you unable to run, you're gonna get to walking. Figuratively, of course; you may be hobbling or rolling but the important thing is that you'll be out of her life, no longer holding her back from the one thing that she really loves: herself. They were at a point in the relationship where they were willing to move in together, and she's unwilling to compromise, even on an issue that would harm the OP's quality of life? Wait, she gave him a choice: either suffer in your own home, or go on allergy medications. Selfish, selfish. Well, it's a good thing she prefers the company of cats to a relationship with a man. I predict much more of it in her future.

YDI for a number of reasons. (1) You got yourself into this relationship. (2) You shouldn't expect a relationship to never have problems. (3) You thought you knew your GF when you really didn't. (4) You moved in with your GF. If the court system is any indication, this is a major problem starter. (5) If you take something this petty as a blow to your ego, then you're probably not ready for a relationship. Besides that, if you would rather this happened years down the line and let it be the cause of a stupid divorce, then I'd have to say that you're probably nuts. So you're incompatible. Get yourself a new GF - problem solved (temporarily anyway).

I just couldn't resist replying to this comment: (1) That's like saying "You're dating. YDI" (2) Um, what? He just said he was allergic to cats. She dumped him. Why do you think it was the OP who didn't expect any "problems"? (3) Yes, the OP didn't know that his GF is a bitch when it comes to cats. I wonder why would that be... Also, the GF didn't know that the OP was allergic to cats, so I guess the same applies to both of them. (4) "Don't move in with your GF/BF. You might break up." Yeah, real classy. (5) Where did the OP ever say or imply that he "took it as a blow to his ego"? And what is this "it" you're speaking of? Anyway: Getting dumped because of a hypothetical cat = FYL.

Yep cats rule men/lovers come and go Pets are FOREVER!!!!!!

I understand. I couldn't be with someone who either hated animals or was allergic to them. I love animals and I'm having pets no matter what. If know if I had to choose between a whiny boyfriend and a cat, I'd choose the cat. Your cat will be with you for 12 years. Your bf? Probably not.

zeffra13 31

Most people who are actually that into having a pet would either already have one or would have at least brought up the subject of theoretical pets and would've found out long ago that their significant other is allergic (which is Not synonymous to hating animals; also a lot of people allergic to cats are ok around dogs, hamsters, etc, if you absolutely have to stick to mammals). Considering she didn't, they either really rushed into things, which is both their fault, or she's one of those people who won't change their mind once they make it up about something and then put all blame on others for not getting their way, which is her fault entirely. Either way, if you're in a relationship with someone and think you're ready to live together, nothing so petty as wanting one specific type of animal as a pet should prevent that. If she loves cats so much, she could volunteer at a rescue or pet store or something instead.

Just buy some allergy medication, its pretty cheap, if you can afford a cat you can afford the medication...

He didn't say they were living together, just that she moved into a new apartment. Anyway that sucks but she's clearly not that serious about u.

eh I couldn't date someone who is allergic to cats either. Cat = up to 20 years of commitment. Boyfriend? Well, apparently not very long at all.

Som, you are a bitter old lady who owns 20 cats :D

Um, I'm pretty sure a strong relationship lasts more that 20 years. A good example would be my parents, who are pretty old.

Misc248 0

I had a friend who did the same thing to a guy she was dating. She kept asking him all these hypothetical questions and they ran into the pet situation and he said he wasn't sure if he'd want a cat... she broke up with him on the spot. It was almost like she was looking for a reason to leave him. You are better off.

How did she not know until now? How long were you guys together? I feel like you would have encountered a cat and talked about the issue before now...