By Chuffy - 04/11/2012 07:28 - United States - Fort Collins

Today, to help me get over my crippling social anxiety, my therapist encouraged me to sing in front of a crowd, since I actually have a fine singing voice. I ended up fainting onstage, mid-song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 250
You deserved it 2 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw that! You actually got onstage and started singing. I'd say that's making progress! Congrats, I wish you the best of luck.

I'm sorry OP, that really sucks :( Perhaps starting small would be a better idea, sing to your family, then to your friends, and work your way up, until you've joined a band or something :)


Take it easy.You are half there already.

Take martial arts lessons. A good martial arts school (besides teaching good self-defense) will help you get past your social anxiety. It's one of the top activities for building self-confidence.

You're braver than I am. You would have never been able to drag me up on that stage to sing in front of everyone. Good for you! I've learned to live with my S.A. and get around it when I can. I hope you can find peace with yours.

YeniDewie 0

that's what they call, 'cold turkey therapy' ... sometimes it works, for u it doesn't work ... hehhe ...

Did you die? No. So it was a good experience...a necessary evil. Next time you will find yourself in front of 2-3 people it will seem like nothing compared to what you just went through. That therapist is fixing you up the hard way, but also the most effective way.

Your therapist is an idiot. Small steps are much more logical.

OH NO! I'm so sorry! You should try again, though. Seriously. Maybe in an environment with less pressure, though, like a karaoke bar or something. Or among friends, at least.