By MarkQ95 - 21/07/2013 23:58 - Ireland

Today, trying to flirt with a girl, I was trying to make it out as if I had a great sex life. I got stuck between saying "100% customer satisfaction" and "no complaints" and blurted out "100% customer complaints." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 838
You deserved it 59 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes you think she would be attracted to you if she was under the impression that you ****** herds of ***** with no rhyme or reason?

Infamous_Tora 12

Complaining about how you are too good, right?


Wow! Smooth. You seem to know what girls want to hear. While you're at it, try woof whistling at us. We love that too.

Add a butt slap and a comment on the girl's boobs. OP is sure to win her over with that!

RedPillSucks 31

Personally, I like to do a boob slap and comment about her butt.

meggieeee92 15

Girls don't want to hear about all the other girls you're having sex with. Way to ruin that. YDI

Never lie about your sex game because when it's time to prove yourself and if you cant back it up you gonna be looking like a loser

Did you take lessons from the pimply face kid on the Simpsons?

rickyblair 16

"Customer Satisfaction"? You sound like a prostitute. Oh yes, making yourself sound like a man ***** will win her heart for sure!

Nice! A perfect record of disappointing sexual adventures.

That's what you get bragging isn't sexy and neither is trying to be something you are not, and you probably had it right the way it came out. YDI.

Dude, no smart girl will believe a guy who brags about having a great sex life. Boasting like that is unattractive and will only picture you as an arrogant douche-bag. A guy (or girl) who is good in bed doesn't have to brag about it. It's really easy to see through someone who is trying to make themselves look like Casanovas. Even if she buys it, when you start making out, she will realize quickly that you're not that experienced and that might be incredibly embarrassing for you. A nice girl won't mind if you have not done it that much, we all have to learn. So give up the act and be yourself :)

perdix 29

Yeah, women love it when men describe lovemaking as a business transaction. Perhaps you can submit a resume and ask if there are any "positions" for you. She'll probably tell you that she has no "openings" for you to fill.