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By Anonymous - 16/11/2010 19:17 - Israel

Today, was my first day at school. I got kicked out of the class for imitating a monkey. I wasn't imitating a monkey... I was laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 634
You deserved it 5 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have flung poo at the teacher as you left the classroom. Now that's imitating a monkey.


fakeaccountX 6

There are millions of worse things they could think you're imitating.

^ "Are you orgasming in my class?" hoo hoo ha ha! 

kids in my band class get kicked out for ****** noises at the end of songs. soo cashhh

darlinqqbella 0
the_flirtt 0

atleast you don't laugh like a pig.

could have been worst, you could of got kicked out for laughing like a donkey...

If I were you I would have gone ape shit instead.

At least they didn't think you were imitating a Palestinian.

moderated huh. I didn't know stating reality was frowned upon.

131 - you should see what they do if you try to ride the dog like a horsy

Tikwichka 5

I think it is more likely that OP had moved schools. The Israeli academic calendar is September to June or July.

dudeitsdanny 9

Also, all FMLs start with "today." Most probably don't happen when they're posted

xXDubbleChic 11

YDI for masturbating in class and trying to cover it up with laughter.

this is an example of a FAILED reply. FYL idiot.

Cool it, MaCOOLiT. *Waves hand* This isn't the comment you're looking for. Your comment describes itself, not 7.

FootballFreak4 3

Lmao you only got kicked out of class and its a good story to tell. cheer up old chap.

Obviously the teacher saw that you were imitating a laughing monkey. Which, actually, isn't easy, so be proud of yourself.

amayaa_fml 7

A new school? New teacher? New monkey? New laugh? Your response is inadequate.

LOLatU87 0

ahh yes but her picture is adequate