By Worsttreeever - 05/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, we brought our Christmas tree inside to decorate. We decorated it, then went out to dinner as a family. Returning 2 hours later, we came back to find our living room to be occupied. Not with people. The tree had been filled with baby spiders, and they were all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 408
You deserved it 3 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments


renaet 0

OH HELL NAW!!!! **** spiders. Set your house on fire and move away. Your life is definetly ******. :[

Oh good GOD that's nasty. FYL TOTALLY. I am SO glad I have an artificial tree!!!!

zach055 23

Yet another reasion why it's bad to be Christian

*runs around and starts flailing my arms* AAAHHHHHHHH *cries* Sorry...just acting out my reaction to that. I hate spiders...especially baby ones...******* movie... (The Mist)

Oh god! FYL indeed! That would be horrible. Now I'm worried because my mother insisted on buying a real tree this year.

baby praying mantises running around...that actually sounds kinda cool, at least the tree came with built in entertainment

Inky_fml 0

I may never buy a tree again. Or sleep, for that matter.

fenix_451 0

I would've DIED How do you even touch it to gget it out! Gross. I would make Home Depot (or whereever you got it from) give me a new tree. Gross.

my family had something like that happen like 10 years ago. but we had wasps, and that was the last year we got a real tree, fake ones ever since

Fuzzy_Mama_Llama 0

Artificial trees for you from now on, huh?

shit IV had that happen it sucks and its kinda ****** weird