By Worsttreeever - 05/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, we brought our Christmas tree inside to decorate. We decorated it, then went out to dinner as a family. Returning 2 hours later, we came back to find our living room to be occupied. Not with people. The tree had been filled with baby spiders, and they were all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 408
You deserved it 3 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It is three weeks til x-mas! Why the heck would you bring the tree in now????

We pulled our artificial tree out of the garage a week ago and it was full of spider egg sacs :( i don't really know what to do with it now. don't want to throw it out.

CeeCee_fml 16

Well, I'm sure you would take throwing a tree out to a fiasco like this.

amg, now i'm paranoid about our fake tree downstairs... :(

MoroseMoose 47

Spray it with bug spray a week or so before you put it up. Preferably one that doesn't smell too strongly!

xdyingxwishx 0

Haha oh shit I don't think I would ever get a tree again after all that.

As long as they didn't cause an infestation, eh. I'm not really scared of spiders for some reason. I could see if someone is scared of them, yeah that would suck. I know first hand, my ex-boyfriend= TERRIFIED, he saw one on the windshield, slammed on the brakes on a busy road, climbed over me (in the passenger seat), out my door, fell into the street, and wouldn't get back in until "I took care of it."

well, guess who won't be botherd by mosquito's in the summer

dude, when I see one spider I just freeze and I don't move at all. I don't even scream. Once there was this spider on our front door handle. I sat outside until it moved. I HATE spiders so much.

Omg I would totally freak out if that happened to me :( Now you are going to fear Christmas trees forever!

Wow no joke today my friend told me about how they had the same problem with his Christmas tree last year

Freakkshoooww 0

They should have shaken the tree outside or something before putting it up.

TulipsAreBetter1 0

OHHH MY GOD. i would shit my pants and then die.