By Worsttreeever - 05/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, we brought our Christmas tree inside to decorate. We decorated it, then went out to dinner as a family. Returning 2 hours later, we came back to find our living room to be occupied. Not with people. The tree had been filled with baby spiders, and they were all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 408
You deserved it 3 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That is why I have fake tree. Gross!! I wouldn't be able to live in my house if that happened to me.

ziqi92 0

AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! omg, i'd run away from the house as far as possible. i got shivers just reading this! (i'm arachnophobic)

megaheartx 0

you deserve it. i still don't understand why anyone would ever use a real tree.

Some people like to be traditional. They probably wonder why anyone uses plastic trees. It's a matter of preference.

horse_lvr96 0

lol ppl there just spiderz, and mi cuzn id TOTALLY ARACHNOPHOBIC!!!!

I am no grammar nazi, but I honestly have no idea what you just said. Please learn to spell.

"Lol people, they're just spiders. My cousin is TOTALLY ARACHNOPHOBIC!" There you go. :]

well done for petrifying everyone about buying their tree ;) that can be your next fml.

don't worry, they'll mostly eat each other by Christmas morning. plus they'll eat other things in your house.

LemonFairy 0

Sounds like Aragog isn't really dead or Mosag found herself a new partner...

Ski_flyir 0

That must be major buzzkill, knowing that it's December and all.

f_my_life_reader 0

omgomgomgomg! i would totally HATE that cuz i am totally arachnaphobic! the smallest spider could freak me out soo much! i would bnever step foot in that house again if that happened to me! ewwwww! :(

cursesonyourmom 1

i say, thats a reason to buy a fake tree next year. hell, do it this year.