By OfficeDroneWoman - 23/07/2013 17:16 - United States - Gaithersburg
OfficeDroneWoman tells us more.
OP here. Some of you noticed it said "woman." Yes, I'm a woman. That's why her complaint made no sense. Glad to report, though, that after a couple days HR got back to me and said I was off the hook, and told her that if she makes any more accusations like that, she'll be fired. She can't even look me in the eye now.
Top comments
Did you wink at her that she took it that way?
Some people are just so dumb... or self obsessed... or worse, both
Ok was this downvoted because people thought it was about OP? I meant it about the woman who filed the SH claim
No, it was just a poorly-written comment.
How so?
I think your best bet at this point is to avoid her if possible. She's obviously very touchy and possibly a little paranoid.
I have stopped talking to women where I work because this happens too often where I work.
As a woman, I can tell you that the only one who hates those women more than men are other women. They give us a bad name and cause people to dismiss real cases of sexual harrassment.
Good job for being nice OP, it sucks that bad things happen to good people
I am a nice person but when you show some people kindness they can somehow twist it lol. I guess it went like this- hey new girl, since your new and all I figured you would want help on how things work here. Excuse me! What are you trying to come on to me! I do not wish to be violated sir. *Dials boss.
OP is a woman.
She's been watching too much ****.
There's a person from the crazy percentage of the world
Bitches be crazy
That's gratitude, for ya. No good deed goes unpunished.