By TheRoad42 - 20/08/2013 12:54 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, when I got back to my dorm, I found a trail of ants trying to shove a dead roach into a power outlet. The front desk insists that there is no pest problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 735
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't you know roaches are what power the outlets? And the ants are the only things small enough to install them into the outlets for you??

Well, that's a bit odd... looks like to me ants are living in the walls and you got roaches also... have an exterminator come in by your own means or show them a pic of what's going on...


Well maybe when your sleeping they will try your nose or mouth lol

AboveAll04 14

sounds like the beginning of a porno

I guess you could say that outlet really got "roached!" Ant you glad you weren't electrocuted?

skyeyez9 24

In the meantime, buy some of those ant traps, and roach killing ones too before calling an exterminator. I used the "Orkin man" exterminator in FL. They were excellent....if one is in your area. I wouldn't wait for the receptionist to call, cause she refuses to see there is a problem and she may never call.

martin8337 35

Sounds like the ants are roach killers,.

skehar 23

The front desk is right! The ants are taking care of your roach problem. Just wait until the roach's friends take care of your ant problem. :P

UnluckyGenius 21

The response we will get later will be along the lines of "Turns out the roach was alive, I just witnessed the ants execute a rat by plugging its tail into the socket."

Wizardo 33

They're making a sacrifice to the thunder God - Thor obviously, they need some good fortune going their way.

In that case, OP should place a hammer outside.

Wizardo 33

OP should play 'Hammer Of The Gods' whilst doing a rain dance outside as well. Bring the luck around.

Thats absolutely annoyingly unsanitary. If you are paying for a dorm, that includes services such as pest control. Go to a higher up is my suggestion. I call university people directly rather then go through the guy who is paid to sit there.

It's not a problem till the ants pull it into the outlet. That's when it will be electrocuted and brought back to life. Frankenstein's cockroach! That is a real problem.

olpally 32

Kill them with fire... But first take a picture and show the people at the front desk. Idiots

Idiots? Why would the front desk know what's going on in people's dorms to the point that they know which ones have some bugs? Do people not lock their doors where you're from?