By Nomoresandwish - 29/11/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, when I had a go at my husband for spending way too much time in front of the TV, he pointed the remote control at me while miming turning down the volume in order to make me shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 218
You deserved it 13 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

faxe 0

Your husband is a hero to nagged husbands everywhere.

loool xDD u should try leaving him some peace, every man wants their free time with no women and no work but that was funny xDDD


jelojuice 0

I don't really think this is FML worthy....

Being too accusatory simply causes the other side to get defensive. Your chances of effecting any meaningful change in this manner are nil. Similarly, nagging gets tuned out. You'll get the standard "Yeah", "Sure" and "Uh-uh", but, as before, nothing will change. There's also the issue of phrasing. If you want your husband to spend more time with you, suggest something you both can enjoy. And please, don't pull any passive-aggressive bullshit. If you want him to suggest something, and you'd rather not do what he suggested, tell him upfront. Pretending you're OK with it and later holding the incident against him is one of the least productive things you can do. Effecting any kind of meaningful change in someone else takes a bit of effort, good planning, and lots of patience. It's up to you to decide whether it's worth it. Just know that losing your temper, yelling, nagging, and stupid ploys are counterproductive.


LOL WTF is with all the novel comments on here lately cbf reading massive paragraphs

meyanna 0

It's easier to ramble on and on than to be intelligent and use brevity.

Cmon. You definitely deserved it. Some women don't understand when to shut the hell up. No offense.

Punkartmama 0

Maybe he wouldn't watch so much TV if you weren't a nagging bitch?

ambern 0

this would be better on mlia...

Quit bitching at the guy and give him a special remote with his new choices: - sex - chores - work - talk about your feelings - make his own goddamn dinner

Could you tell me where he got that remote, the possibilities are endless! You could try and stand next to the TV in nothing but underware with beer in one hand and a sandwich in the other. That should get his attention.