By Nomoresandwish - 29/11/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, when I had a go at my husband for spending way too much time in front of the TV, he pointed the remote control at me while miming turning down the volume in order to make me shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 218
You deserved it 13 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

faxe 0

Your husband is a hero to nagged husbands everywhere.

loool xDD u should try leaving him some peace, every man wants their free time with no women and no work but that was funny xDDD


Wow, its a joke its not fml worthy, i can think of about 10 fml's right now better than that. For all those above comments saying dump him or divorce him, has any1 eva told you guys/girls a joke? Everyone does that to each other. Like i said not really a fml. Maybe if he pegged the remote at your head then.

Leave the poor man be! I dont understand how some women always need there guys around 24/7. My best friends wife gets so upset when he tries to hang out with the guys or have his own "me" time, so I end up, per his request, taking her out so my fiancee and he can go out with the guys. I mean she's not horrible to hang out with, I just don't understand why she can't let the poor guy go out and for her to stay home with there kid,when he stays home with there kid whenever she wants to go out. Thats why, I don't fuss or get upset when my fiancee leaves and goes out with the guys, as long as he puts in his fair share into the relationship and lets me go out with my friends, i'm ok with it.

Well, I pose a question: Had you ever discussed with him previously that you feel neglected or wtfever your problem is, because he spends so much time watching TV? If not, then you have NO RIGHT to come bitching at him. Actually, you have no right anyway. Yeah, you both need to put work into the relationship, but that doesn't mean you own him. He needs some time to himself. Maybe you should make some snacks and watch with him- SILENTLY- or just leave him be. So long as he's being fair and not actually neglecting you and potential children, then it's fine. He needs 'him' time and, if that's in front of the TV, then it's better than him going out and getting smashed and ******* women around town, isn't it? Guys need their space. Chill the **** out. It's his business, you deserve it for bitching to begin with. I find it amusing. Sure, childish, and it didn't help anything, but can you expect him to be receptive when you're being a bitch? You're married. When you're married, and live together, you are around each other a lot. Everyone needs their space- besides work, because that's not exactly a relaxing situation. You should know that. I'm 19, never married, and /I/ know that. Sounds like you need to stop being the stereotypical clingy, bitchy wife.

what's nagging going to accomplish. What exactly were YOU doing at that moment that was so worthy of your time? Have you tried offering an alternative? If someone said something stupidly vague to me like "you spend too much time watching tv", it's not going to do anything but irritate me. But if someone said "instead of watching tv today why don't we go [insert awesome activity here]", I'd say "**** television!"

YDI! It was a joke, and a good one at that! Where is your sense of humor? Get a life and stop bitching about the TV!

Exactly. Get a hobby and a sense of humor.

next time he should use the on/off button :D now go make him a goddamn sammich and open him a beer

perdix 29

You ought to take off your pants in front of him and start manipulating the button on your remote control. That should make him forget the stupid TV for at least of couple of minutes. If that doesn't work, your remote is probably dead. Clean it out, lube it up and insert new batteries, then try again.

really_thissucks 0

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