By Nomoresandwish - 29/11/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, when I had a go at my husband for spending way too much time in front of the TV, he pointed the remote control at me while miming turning down the volume in order to make me shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 218
You deserved it 13 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

faxe 0

Your husband is a hero to nagged husbands everywhere.

loool xDD u should try leaving him some peace, every man wants their free time with no women and no work but that was funny xDDD


boatkicker 4

Men, and people in general, don't like being corrected. If you think he spends too much time in front of the TV, it's fine that you tell him that, but suggest other things. When people feel that their lifestyle is under attack, they may enter a defensive mood, and will not cooperate. If instead of attacking you offered some alternatives, he would be less defensive and more likely to do what you want. If you tried this, good. It didn't work but try again some other time. If you didn't you should. It can't hurt anyways. Pointing the remote at you was most likely meant as a joke. Loosen up a bit. Maybe if you had taken the joke as it was meant, instead of an insult, he would have agreed to do something with you. If it wasn't meant as a joke, then he's being childish and an asshole. Maybe he was having a bad day and just wasn't in the mood. Or maybe he's like that all the time, but if that's the case, I wonder what redeeming qualities he has that made you marry him.

Maybe you should just shut up and let him watch TV.

sdcrazy1018 0

LOL have a sense of humor, if my boyfriend did that, I would of cracked up, tackled him, and then had sex. After all sex > TV

crzyry 6

The majority of this room should never be married, if you guys do get married I feel sorry for whomever is unfortunate enough to marry either of you. Your views on marriage are flawwed as hell.

blazingman311 1

Maybe you should make him a sammich?

DeathByFalchion 0

He may have deserved a good thrashing for his supposedly extended TV use, but that doesn't mean that having a go at him was technically any better than what he did. *bonk* You've done a nice job of being a hypocrite though.

thejerk56 8

try telling him instead. if you're way too accusatory he's gonna become defensive, not even pay attention, or in this case make you look like the nagger that you are. ydi.