By manksy - 01/01/2010 22:07 - United Kingdom

Today, when I was unpacking all of my stuff, my parents declared that they are going to live in Australia, and have found me a 'friend'. I am a 14 year old girl at boarding school, and my friend is my new foster mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 026
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is awful. I hope you find some other adults that you can be close to and take an interest in you. Please remember that this about them and not you; it's their selfishness and neglect, not because you are not a worthwhile person. I am so sorry to hear this.

well, once they settle there, send them a big box of cookies, make them yourself, add whatever you wish to add.


AtomicBryce 0

aww sounds like something my parents would do

That's sad=[ but at least ur away from ur patents it'll get better =]]

Haha just come to Australia :) it's sick here

xXneoXx_fml 0

Amy one that posted a "you deserved it" is a ******!

For the morons who think that it is legal to do this in the UK I assure it is not. Seriously your parents are wankers.

i would murder them in their sleep the night before they left

This is the most sad FML I have ever read. I hope you have a good time.. I'd be your friend at all times.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Aww, that's the worst thing I've ever read on this:( Seriously, that's awful, love.